Phoebe and Quang’s intimate wedding celebration in Collingwood
She wanted a cosy celebration where friends and colleagues could just have fun. We chatted about the schedule, she shared her vision, and I threw out some ideas for games and the timeline. Then, I got to work with the Aunty Kim’s venue event manager to fine-tune everything.
Tea Ceremony - when to?

Melbourne Chinese Wedding Suppliers List

How to use a linguistically diverse wedding MC and coordinator
Often MCs act as the central point of contact and save you the headache, they are kinda like your spokesperson. The MC isn’t there to just make announcements either, s/he would take command of the space and ensure that you would receive the heads up to each formality so that you are never caught off guard or hurried into doing impromptu activities.
Wedding Favours that leaves impressions
How to choose wedding favours that reflects you and the love that you share with each other, here are my top 3 choices of wedding favours aka bonbonniere!

I worked on my voice and I want to share it with the world
I was first introduced to voice work in 2018, through Lessac Intensive held at the National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA), by master teachers Nancy Krebs and Katerina Moraitis. My voice had undergone a major transformation since, and I feel so much more confident and in control of my vocal energies.

Aviation Themed wedding at Curzon Hall Sydney
My best wishes goes to this lovely newlyweds and hope that they continue to aviate, navigate and communicate in this new chapter of their lives together. Their flight of love had successfully taken off, but the ground is where home is.

Chinese Cultural Day at Balwyn Primary School
When designing the program, we wanted to make it fun, and interactive. Sometimes it meant that modifications were made to the original craft and culture, but it would mean that it would be easier to absorb for the children or friendly to learn. If this experience is something they’d share with others then I would say that I've done my job. And if this day has helped them realise that they can be an ambassador for their culture(s) or they can connect what they love and what they know together to make a living, then that's a cherry on top!

Ellen and Kyle's romantic get away in Daylesford
Winter wedding with warm colours, heart warming program and a hearty meal at Sault. The highlight was the newlyweds dancing to the song 'Love is an open door' from Disney animation Frozen, that was a first dance with great interaction between the two of them, was light hearted and full of joy. Congratulations to the newlyweds and also to the team behind the scenes. x

Alec and Steph's Intimate Wedding at Werribee Mansion Pavillion
Perfect late summer day for an intimate wedding, the styling team did a wonderful job dressing the venue up; I saw them bump out that night, it's hard work! Check out the photos of their beautiful work in the gallery.

Tracey and Jordan's themed "Break the Code" Wedding Door Games
What do people play at the door games?? Here is a great example of what you (and your bridesmaid(s)) can refer to for your tea ceremony door game, plus some tips at the end!
Same sex marriage no longer just a dream in Australia
Very exciting news! The LGBTIQ community will now be able to legalise their relationships and enter into married statuses! And I certainly hope that marriages between the people in love is a status quo, and not a trend. I must say that I am pleased that our community is really supportive, especially the Victorians; some of my local friends have even registered to vote just so they can do their part in the postal vote. My parents also voted "yes".

Celebratory lion dance at Melbourne Chinese weddings
Lion dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture and other Asian countries in which performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume to bring good luck and fortune. We of course have lion dance teams in Melbourne too!
Stripper free, vegan friendly bridal shower

Sameway Magazine Interview
Interview about being an MC in Melbourne with Sameway Magazine.
Interview with Cherri (Glamday Makeup Studio)
Interview with Victor (Victor Yang Photography)

Allen and Katrina's Wedding Reception at Campbell Point House
Small and intimate wedding at the Campbell Point House.

Chinese Wedding Tradition and Superstitions
The groom rides either his horse or a green sedan chair that leads the bridal party back to his family home. In the bridal party, there are commonly a mix of musicians and flag holders, the loud music they play would drive the evil spirits away, in exchange for blessings from everyone in the village. The bride’s red sedan chair would follow in the rear.
中式婚禮的講究很多, 在婚禮正式舉行之前, 要經過合婚、相親、放小定、擇吉日、放大定、送嫁妝等許多的禮節. 下面是以北京為例, 婚禮當日的程序.